Bolt on body - Clear coat - £390.00
Bolt on body - With flat colour - £435.00
Bolt on body - With burst - £475.00
Bolt on body - With a metallic - £485.00
Bolt on body - In a metal flake - £530.00
Bolt on body - Full strip - £95.00
Many other options are available so please message for a quote.
Neck - Clear coat - £165.00
Neck - With tint - £190.00
Neck - Full strip - £60.00
Options like colour matched headstocks are also available. Prices available on request.
Our pricing page shows just a small selection of options we have available. We are more than happy to quote for your requirements, so please just send over an email with what you have in mind.
Prices quoted above are for spray work with a modern 2k top coat lacquer. Our normal 2k top coat lacquer has a slight tint to it, so light shades will usually be slightly effected once top coated.
We can also offer a more vintage style nitro lacquer. Spray work in nitro does have to be done from the ground up, as in from the bare wood. So any painted finished bodies would need stripping first. This we can do also.
Custom machining prices
Custom Bodies
Custom Necks
2 Piece Poplar body - £195.00
2 Piece Alder body - £225.00
3 Piece Alder body - £205.00
2 Piece Swamp Ash - £265.00
3 Piece Swamp Ash - £245.00
2 Piece Sassafras - £215.00
3 Piece Sassafras - £200.00
The above prices are for standard guitar sized bodies.
Bass guitar body blanks are usually about £15 dearer to buy in, so please add this onto the above, for a rough bass body price.
My neck prices start at £375.00 for standard guitar necks
An example of this would be for a lightly figured Birdseye or Flame maple neck, with a Indian Rosewood or Maple slab fingerboard.
Other options with additional charges would be..
Ebony fingerboard - from £15.00 ( depending on grade )
Veneer fingerboard - plus £25.00
Vintage style clay dots - plus £15.00
Stainless steel fret wire - plus £20
Bass guitar necks are also available as a custom option. Due to the increase in timber cost for longer blanks, bass necks start at £395.00
Body and Neck prices are naturally dependent on timber options required. Below is a guide to my prices, but these can sometimes alter with the ever increasing value of wholesale timber.
If you are interested in a custom body or neck, then please just message for a detailed quote.